A bit of an outsider…

Last week I got the new PC game call “ALICE Madness Returns”, and basically I addicted to the game and the design of it; Character Design, Level Design, Imaginative elements…etc.

After I completed it, I feel like I want to do something design-ish about Alice in wonderland. So I looked back into last year Puffin Books cover design competition brief and redo it as a self initiated project.

After a few days I came up with this design. The idea is about revealing the Bright and mysterious side of wonderland. The cover changes depending on the amount of light intensity (day time and night time).

During day time, it illustrate Alice is falling into wonderland with the white rabbit’s umbrella, and also at the back of the book is the clock from the rabbits’ watch. During night time, the graphics remain on the cover and partially glowing light. The glow in the dark shape reveals the mysterious elements of wonderland such as the Cheshire Cat and also the Key at the back of the book.

Info graphics of the day

recap 2


It was a really strange period. So MANY bank holidays! because of that I lost 2 tutorials and to be honest this is not really helping my projects at all.

D&AD results were out!

I did the body shop packaging brief and unfortunately I didnt win anything. But it was a great 3 weeks project experience.

Masters Degree Show

The end of semester 2 is getting closer and we all agree that we will set up a Masters degree show in July to have a quick conclusion of what we have been doing. I volunteered myself and join the MA degree show team to discuss about the branding for the show. We had a few sessions of group meetings and we shared quite a few ideas of what the visuals will look like for this degree show. and here is some of my attempts.


and of coz, I am also working on my major projects.

Just a quick recap of what my project is about. I am going to do several design (Information design, Graphic design) about my history, the past 23/4 years. What I have been doing? What did I look before? Where have I been traveled ?…etc.

and I did some quick mock ups as part of my developments.

Evolution of my hair (1987-2010)

My gaming history. (Handhelds, consoles and computers)

The design of this is to visually showing the amount of video/ computer games I owned before/ now, and I think to develop this I will put a time line as a duration measurement of how long I have been played on these gaming device.



Went back to Hong Kong for 2 weeks holidays. Really nice to see my family and friends + the food!

Part from all the leisures, I still have to do some research for my project work. I went to the Central public library in Hong Kong and found some sources such as books, newspaper and microfilms for my project.




John sutton – memory

Hong Kong Year Book

and some other newspaper and microfilms form the central library.

It was very interesting to see this records about the history of Hong Kong and at the same time I felt like Ive been travel back in time when I was reading them.

Also I went to the museums and exhibitions and by coincident most of them were displaying the history of Hong Kong or looking back the history. I collected some leaflets after I visited them as a references.

PG04 progressssssssssssssssion

*Since last post – Finished my D&AD body shop competition brief. PG03 business project in progress. Few days off to Falmouth. *

Right! Now down to this PG04 business.

From what I wrote about Info Graphics in my literature review. What kinds of things that can be interesting to do?

I have been thinking about doing my own life time journey, I had a quite interesting life journey; born and living in HK, study in Wales, study in Falmouth, study in London… and of coz it will be quite interesting to see more detail like where ive been before for traveling, things that I like to play with (plastic models, video games, etc), my personal collections such as photographs and books.

Sound like I have a plan  to do, but I am still trying to breakdown and explore any other ideas, thinking about things that can be personal and little, things that I or people desire to do.

I have been looking at the other designers work, see how they interpret information into their design skill.

I looked at these designers work.

In general, it is really difficult for me to obtain a huge information/ data to design unless I involve with some science or engineer projects. However I think it still can be done just like the designers above, find something around you and collect them as a data source.

Learning plan.

Typographic experiment

Just did a little bit of experiment for the last project: time and space unit 1.

This idea will be different from the Ant idea. Instead of time is a journey, this idea about compression of time. You can refer back to my previous post about the concept.

10 days! 10 days! 10 days! 10 days!

10 days till the deadline for PG01 and 02. !!!!

Done my manifesto posters, printing is progress

Try to finish off my learning plan now

Literature Review tomorrow

PG02 Uni3 and Unit1 recap on Sunday!

Thats my plan!

Stick with it!

Safety and Emergency Card. REAL!

Visual research 2


Scanwood is Denmark’s largest manufacturer of wooden kitchen utensils, selling their products in Europe and the Middle East. Scanwood wished to communicate the fact that their products are made through an environmentally friendly process and are of course also made from all natural materials.



Pistachio Packaging Design

Student project, Packaging design for pistachios.



USPA’s Supernatural hair care

For USPA’s Supernatural hair care range the package design needed to express their philosophy – the combination of age-old botanical wisdom with the latest chemistry. The twist-cap extending up and out of the bottles represents nature and growth with the translucency revealing the technology of the mechanism.



360 paper water bottle

The 360 paper water bottle from Brand Image is an attempt to address 60 million plastic bottles thrown away daily in the United States (of which 86% become garbage). The paper vessel is made from 100% renewable food-safe resources, fully recyclable and versatile in a number of potential liquid categories.
